Ökomäss 2020

Ökomäss/Ecomess missioon on tutvustada ja abistada keskkonnasõbraliku elukeskkonna loomisel ja kujundamisel.
Koostöös Eesti Muinsuskaitse Seltsiga toimub 2020. aastal festival 10. korda.
Kavas töötoad ja seminarid veebis kui ka kohapeal (Väike-Patarei 5, Kalamaja). Teemad: Ökoloogilised ehitusmaterjalid – savi, lubi, pilliroog.
Akende, uste restaureerimine, renoveerimine.

Esinevad UKU meistrid, Eestimaaehitus, Restaureerijate Ühendus ja teised.

Toetajad: Tallinna Energiaagentuur, KULKA.

täpsemalt vt www.ecomess.eu

The objective of the seminar is to share ideas and best practices from Estonia and abroad and to support the maintenance of existing traditional and historical buildings by restoring or renovating them in a sustainable way, as opposed to demolishing them as too often seems to be the practice of profit oriented real estate businesses. Reducing CO2 is a new argument from developers in favor of pulling down historic buildings. Our goal is to present counter-arguments and explain why and how historical houses play a key role in green agreement plans for the future.
The civil society across Europe has demonstrated several interesting ways and ideas on how urban development can be ecologically friendly and sustainable. The organisers are interested to hear your opinion and will be grateful if you could share your experiences.
Moderator Marek Strandberg.

Please join the seminar on 17 September from 11 to 14 via Zoom!

Registreerimine: / Registration: LINK